Working in the cyberz makes for many WTFs

Jan 21, 2020 - 6 minute read - Law

I fought the Law, and the Law won - Part 2

So I decided to challenge an infringement notice for speeding, what now? In my previous post I briefly described the grounds on which I intended to challenge my infringement notice, in this post I’ll talk through the beginning of what turned out to be a long and drawn out process. Firstly, I’d like to make one thing absolutely clear - you should ALWAYS challenge an infringement notice. The ecconomic viability of the entire system is predicated on the assumption that most people will just pay.

Jan 14, 2020 - 6 minute read - law

I fought the Law, and the Law won - Part 1

We’ve all heard the old adage “Never bring a knife to a gunfight”. It can be adapted to all sorts of situations. Recently I learned that you shouldn’t bring cybersecurity to a legal fight either. Over my next few posts I’m going to tell you a story about how I tried to use my expertise in cybersecurity to challenge a speeding fine, and failed horribly. It was however a very educational and interesting experience, and unless you happen to be a real lawyer (like I wasn’t) you will probably learn a few things that surprise you if you follow along.

Dec 11, 2019 - 10 minute read - business

Small Biz, we need to talk about your IT service provider

One of the biggest issues in cybersecurity this year has been third party assurance, particularly when it comes to big businesses working with smaller ones. The Accepted Wisdom among cybersecurity professionals for a few years now has been that the easiest way to hack a big company is usually by hacking a smaller service provider or contractor first. To deal with this threat, enterprise organisations did what they do best: come up with a complicated and inflexible assessment and compliance framework and then tried to apply equally it to every third party they have any kind of relationship with.

Dec 2, 2019 - 9 minute read - problem solving

Privasec RED Crypto Challenge

A couple of weeks ago the folks over at Privasec RED posted a series of challenges on their official Twitter account. Normally I ignore this sort of thing but the third challenge caught my attention - decrypt a the contents of an encrypted tweet, and win a fabulous prize - a 1 month subscription to Hack the Box. Actually, the prize wasn’t really important, I just couldn’t resist a good crypto puzzle, so I decided to have a crack.

Nov 28, 2019 - 1 minute read

In the Beginning

In the beginning there was nothing. Soon there will be something though, stay tuned.